
Proposal Design Layouts that Add Clarity and Appeal

Simple proposal design layout ideas that will improve how tender evaluators score your submission

RFP and RFT documents are often very prescriptive in terms of how submissions are to be presented. Page limits, font type, font size, line spacing and various other requirements are often clearly set out for non-price attribute sections. Pricing information, commonly contained in a second envelope, will also require you to follow certain guidelines. Not following any price or non-price instructions can be disastrous, especially if a tender is deemed to be non-complying. 

Creating a submission which meets client requirements, while allowing you to put across your message in a compelling and succinct style, requires creative attention to design layouts.  Below are a few simple ways you can create an easy to read, memorable and simple to evaluate tender.

Five ways to use proposal design layouts to increase tender scores:

  1. Tables, graphs and diagrams can tell, or strengthen, several hundred words. 
  2. Think about the layouts generally used in documents prepared by the client organisation or by different evaluators.
  3. Use varied layouts to appeal to different reading and evaluation styles.
  4. Call out boxes can draw attention to important information or client quotes.
  5. Images used on covers, dividers and in the correct places through a document can create emotion and help link ideas and concepts to scoring templates.